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Financial Services Review CE Exam: Vol. 32 No. 2

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Self-study exam based on a thorough understanding of articles published in Volume 32, Issue 2 of Financial Services Review, the academic journal of the Academy of Financial Services. 

After reading and understanding the two articles required for this exam, the planner will understand:

  • Assist a client in identifying his/her investment objectives, time horizons and risk tolerances.
  • Explain and apply investment strategies such as buy-and-hold, immunization, core and satellite, passive (indexed) and active management techniques such as tactical allocation, market timing, Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) investing, sector rotation, etc.
  • Analyze a client’s degree of risk tolerance and loss aversion and ensure recommendations are consistent with a client’s risk propensity, attitudes, composure (e.g. past behaviors during market corrections), capacity, knowledge and needs.
  • Explain how a client’s psychology, background, preferred learning style and values (socially conscious investor, etc.) impact the financial planning process.
  • Identify how cognitive biases and heuristics can impact financial decision-making.
  • Describe how a client's psychology, such as their financial comfort zone, socialization, money beliefs, and past financial experiences and behaviors impact their objectives, goals, understanding, decision making and actions.
  • Identify areas of potential financial conflict between spouse and/or family.
  • Identify solutions to unanticipated asset allocation changes, adjustment for changes in risk tolerance and adapting to new norms.
  • Describe the advisor’s role in monitoring cognitive biases. 


FSR CE Exam Vol. 32 No. 2
5 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
Certificate of Completion
4.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available
4.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available