Financial Services Review CE Exam: Vol. 32 No. 3
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Self-study exam based on a thorough understanding of articles published in Volume 32, Issue 3 of Financial Services Review, the academic journal of the Academy of Financial Services.
After reading and understanding the two articles required for this exam, the planner will understand:
H.66. Behavioral finance
- a. Identify how cognitive biases and heuristics can impact financial decision-making.
- b. Describe how a client's psychology, such as their financial comfort zone, socialization, money beliefs, and past financial experiences and behaviors impact their objectives, goals, understanding, decision making and actions.
F.44. Retirement needs analysis
- a. Identify and evaluate the assumptions used in analyzing retirement needs including: age at retirement, cash inflows and outflows in various stages of retirement, goal priority and importance, longevity, rate of investment return, market volatility and effects of inflation.
- f. Explain various patterns of work-to-retirement transitions and phased retirement.
H.68. Principles of counseling
- a. Explain the applications of counseling theory to financial planning practice.
- b. Demonstrate how a planner can develop a relationship of honesty and trust in client interaction.
- c. Select appropriate counseling and communication techniques for use with individual clients.