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Financial Services Review CE Exam: Vol. 32 No. 4

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Self-study exam based on a thorough understanding of articles published in Volume 32, Issue 4 of Financial Services Review, the academic journal of the Academy of Financial Services. 

After reading and understanding the two articles required for this exam, the planner will understand:

D.27. Characteristics, uses and taxation of investment vehicles

  • Select the appropriate use for each asset class and investment vehicle based upon its risk/return characteristics and expected cash flows.
  • Advise clients on the tax implications of holding and disposing of each security type or asset class.


E.41. Tax consequences of property transactions

  • Calculate the capital gain or loss on a property sale.


H.65. Client and planner attitudes, values, biases

  • Explain how a client’s psychology, background, preferred learning style and values (socially conscious investor, etc.) impact the financial planning process.
  • Explain how a client’s values, including cultural and religious values and attitudes may impact their goals and the financial planning process.


H.66. Behavioral finance

  • Describe how a client's psychology, such as their financial comfort zone, socialization, money beliefs, and past financial experiences and behaviors impact their objectives, goals, understanding, decision making and actions. 


H.67. Sources of money conflict

  • Identify a client's motivation for achieving their financial goals.


H.68. Principles of counseling

  • Demonstrate how a planner can develop a relationship of honesty and trust in client interaction.
  • Select appropriate counseling and communication techniques for use with individual clients.


H.69. General principles of effective communication

  • Assess the components of communications, including verbal and non-verbal communications.
  • Select appropriate counseling and communication techniques for use with individual clients.


FSR CE Exam Vol. 32 No. 4
5 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
Certificate of Completion
5.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available
5.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available