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International & Cross-Border Planning Knowledge Circle: Planning for the American-Canadian Client

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Guest speaker Brian Wruk will discuss vital considerations regarding Financial Planning for clients that have ties to Canada and the USA or are transitioning across the border.

Brian Wruk, CFP®(US, CDA), TEP, CIM


Transition Financial Advisors Group

Brian is an American/Canadian Dual Citizen and a 27-year Financial Planning Veteran working with American and Canadian residents. He’s the author of two bestselling books: The Canadian in America and The American in Canada. He is a graduate of the University of Alberta and The University of Arizona.


International & Cross-Border Planning Knowledge Circle: Planning for the American-Canadian Client
05/15/2024 at 8:00 AM (MDT)  |  60 minutes
05/15/2024 at 8:00 AM (MDT)  |  60 minutes Brian will discuss vital considerations regarding Financial Planning for clients that have ties to Canada and the USA or are transitioning across the border.
Course Evaluation
7 Questions
Certificate of Completion
0.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available
0.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available