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Investment Planning Knowledge Circle: CLO Equity: An Untapped Investment Opportunity

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Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO), and specifically CLO Equity, offer the potential for double-digit returns with low correlation to other asset classes like equities or high yield bonds. CLO Equity allows investors to gain exposure to a highly diversified pool of loans using built-in leverage that’s locked in for the life of the CLO. CLOs have historically been an asset only available to large institutional investors. However, we believe advisors will increasingly want access to the CLO asset class given what we believe are strong risk/return characteristics. Our presentation will focus on how CLOs are structured, characteristics we target in CLO managers, and why this is a potentially attractive asset class for advisors and their clients.

Robert K. Grunewald

CEO & Founder

Flat Rock Global

Robert K. Grunewald has over 25 years of experience with middle market finance and BDCs, as well as asset management. Within the finance industry, he has participated as a lender, investment banker, M&A advisor, private equity investor, and hedge fund manager. Mr. Grunewald most recently served as the President and CIO of Business Development Corp. of America (BDCA). During his tenure at BDCA, Mr. Grunewald grew the company from $2.5 million of assets under management to $2.5 billion while establishing the firm’s loan management systems and its policies and procedures.

Shiloh R. Bates

Chief Investment Officer

Flat Rock Global

Shiloh R. Bates is a Managing Director at Flat Rock Global and CIO of the Flat Rock Opportunity Fund, which has received significant recognition, including the 2020 Creditflux Award for Best CLO Fund. Prior to joining Flat Rock Global, Mr. Bates was a Managing Director at Benefit Street Partners where he worked on corporate acquisitions. Prior to that, Mr. Bates was the Head of Structured Products at BDCA Advisor, where he was responsible for investments in CLOs, leveraged loans, and publicly traded BDCs. During his 20-year career, Mr. Bates worked for several CLO managers and invested over $1 billion in CLO securities. He is a frequent panelist at CLO conferences.


Investment Planning Knowledge Circle: CLO Equity: An Untapped Investment Opportunity
02/22/2022 at 1:00 PM (MST)  |  60 minutes
02/22/2022 at 1:00 PM (MST)  |  60 minutes Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO), and specifically CLO Equity, offer the potential for double-digit returns with low correlation to other asset classes like equities or high yield bonds. CLO Equity allows investors to gain exposure to a highly diversified pool of loans using built-in leverage that’s locked in for the life of the CLO. CLOs have historically been an asset only available to large institutional investors. However, we believe advisors will increasingly want access to the CLO asset class given what we believe are strong risk/return characteristics. Our presentation will focus on how CLOs are structured, characteristics we target in CLO managers, and why this is a potentially attractive asset class for advisors and their clients.
Course Evaluation
7 Questions
Certificate of Completion
0.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available
0.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available