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Journal of Financial Planning CE Exam: June 2022

4.75 (8 votes)

Self-study exam based on a thorough understanding of articles that include the topics of: Economic concepts; Principles of risk and insurance; Insurance needs analysis; Retirement needs analysis; Retirement income and distribution strategies; Income tax fundamentals and calculations; Tax reduction/management techniques; Tax implications of special circumstances; Characteristics, uses and taxation of investment vehicles; and Investment strategies.

After reading and understanding the five articles required for this exam, the planner will: • Gain an overview of current investment and economic trends and how clients and advisers are reacting. • Understand why different demographics get both or only one type of life insurance or may opt to have no coverage. • Understand that some people may retire with non-intuitive desires and that it is important for women to gain financial literacy and not just the husband. • Understand the effects that the low-return environment is having on portfolios and how much delaying Social Security benefits can increase lifetime earnings. • Understand how ESG or values-based investing will likely become more prevalent than ever in the next 10 years.


JFP CE Exam: June 2022
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
Certificate of Completion
1.0 CFP CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.0 CFP CE credit  |  Certificate available