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Speical Needs Community Call: Autism and the Gut-Brain Connection: Microbiome Dysbiosis and Microbiota Transplant Therapy

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Dr. Adams will talk to us about the latest research and development regarding Autism and the Gut Microbiome. He will also talk to us about the FDA drug approval process and how he formed a company funded by over 50 autism families to work on FDA approval of Microbiota Transplant Therapy

Dr. James Adams, PH.D.

Professor at Arizona State University

President of Gut-Brain-Axis Therapeutics Inc.

Dr. Adams leads the Autism Research Program at Arizona State University, and the ASU Biodesign Center for Health Through Microbiomes. He's a graduate of Duke University and The University of Wisconsin at Madison.  He is a co-founder and president of Gut-Brain-Axis Therapeutics inc.  He has an adult daughter with autism.


Speical Needs Community Call: Autism and the Gut-Brain Connection: Microbiome Dysbiosis and Microbiota Transplant Therapy
08/14/2024 at 10:00 AM (MDT)  |  60 minutes
08/14/2024 at 10:00 AM (MDT)  |  60 minutes Dr. Adams will talk to us about the latest research and development regarding Autism and the Gut Microbiome. He will also talk to us about the FDA drug approval process and how he formed a company funded by over 50 autism families to work on FDA approval of Microbiota Transplant Therapy
Course Evaluation
7 Questions
Certificate of Completion
0.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available
0.0 CFP CE credits  |  Certificate available