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Tax & Estate Planning Knowledge Circle: Supporting Clients' Charitable Intentions

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Guest speaker Erinn Andrews will show us why it’s good for business to integrate charitable planning in our practices and lead us through a client-like experience to define/explore our personal charitable values. We will also learn that tax savings is a secondary or tertiary reason that people give, and how we can lean into our clients’ primary motivations for giving.

Erinn Andrews

Erinn Andrews’ bio includes creating a philanthropic start-up that was acquired by GuideStar, then led GuideStar’s nonprofit strategy, moved on to heading a philanthropic think tank at Stanford University, and finally founded GiveTeam (a philanthropic advising firm) with a mission statement “To help donors give more, give better, and give now.” She currently serves on the national board of Advisors in Philanthropy (AiP). 


Tax & Estate Planning Knowledge Circle: Supporting Clients' Charitable Intentions
08/20/2024 at 12:00 PM (MDT)  |  60 minutes
08/20/2024 at 12:00 PM (MDT)  |  60 minutes Guest speaker Erinn Andrews will show us why it’s good for business to integrate charitable planning in our practices and lead us through a client-like experience to define/explore our personal charitable values. We will also learn that tax savings is a secondary or tertiary reason that people give, and how we can lean into our clients’ primary motivations for giving.
Course Evaluation
7 Questions
Certificate of Completion
1.0 CFP CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.0 CFP CE credit  |  Certificate available