Understanding and Working with Your Clients with ADHD
- Registration Closed
Brought to you by the Neurodivergent Planners Knowledge Circle: Adults with ADHD, an estimated 8-10 million people, face elevated risks to their financial well-being yet are underserved by the financial profession. This presentation will help financial planners be more effective in their efforts to support clients who may have ADHD. Attendees will learn what ADHD is, how they can recognize signs without engaging in assessment or diagnosis. how ADHD affects finances, and a framework for understanding and troubleshooting common ADHD client issues. Attendees will also learn specific, practical steps they can take to make their practices more ADHD-friendly, which can lead to better client experiences, more enjoyable interactions, and increased referrals.

Christine Hargrove
Christine Hargrove, PhD, is a financial therapist, author, speaker, and researcher in Athens, GA. She offers professional consultations, coaching, and resources through her website, www.drchristinehargrove.com, and will begin offering individual, couple, and family therapy in late 2024 (www.hargrovetherapy.com).